Hearing Care is bigger than any one individual or an organisation. We each bring our own unique perspectives and set of experiences, and collaboration enables us to see the bigger picture. That is why we'd like you to participate.

Why participate in Audira?

Because together we can work towards the common objective of creating a new social norm for hearing care.

Our common goal is to create a new social norm where the majority of people respect their hearing and do what they can to keep their hearing working at its optimum throughout life, mindful of the role their hearing plays in their own lives and in society, and confident that society will support them should a residual reduction in their hearing put them at a disadvantage.

Who should participate in Audira?

You should, if you have any interest – professional or otherwise – in hearing care, we invite you to participate – whether you are a hearing care professional, a service-user, a hearing care provider, a supplier or manufacturer, a consumer interest group, a policymaker or even just an interested observer.

The only qualification you need to participate in this online Think Tank is that you follow the Guidelines for Participation.

How to Participate in Audira

1. Get informed

  • Read the content on the website and familiarise yourself with the issues and any proposals and opinions as they currently stand.

2. Get involved

  • Read the "For Discussion" at the bottom of each page.
  • Leave a comment to let people know whether you support the page's content or if you opinion differs. If it does differ, explain why and what your alternative would be.
  • Take the "Quick Poll" on any page it occurs.

3. Get contributing

  • See something in hearing care that you feel needs to change?
  • Glimpsed the future and think you know how to get there?
  • Share your ideas by contributing an article or proposal yourself for others to discuss.

To participate, you'll need to register…

A central principle of Audira is transparency, so you'll need to register and log in if you wish to leave a comment or contribute an article.